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Cilles AC Fit4Life / C25K Program


Do you want to get fit?

Walk / jog a little?

Want someone to give advice and guidance?
Maybe you just want a bit of company and a bit of craic as you run?

Whatever your reasons Fit4Life is here to help you get moving.


What is Fit4Life?

Fit4Life is an initiative by Athletics Ireland to provide an opportunity for recreational runners/joggers both male and female to train under the guidance of Fit4Life Leaders. Runners/joggers will have a support structure where they can enjoy all the benefits of running in a social, safe and organised environment.

The Programme will start with an initial Couch 2 5k Programme and you may then join the fit4life runners once completed.



Tuesdays at Southgate SC, meet outside Relish for a 7:30 departure, Thursday from Tesco Bettystown Carpark,  the main carpark at the back. Runs will typically be in the Bettystown area but may change during the program.




Every Tuesday and Thursday at 7:30pm beginning on January 15th, Once the Program is finished you are welcome to join in the Tuesday and Thursday evening group.


What time?

7:30pm sharp. Warm up session followed by jog/run and then a cool down session


How much does it cost?

To compete in the fit4life programme you need to be a registered member of the club, The Membership  fee is only €80 for all 2019.

After the programme you can join one of the other many groups that run with the club.


What do I get for my money?

  • Insurance cover when taking part in any Athletics Ireland event or organised club activity

  • Organised training runs twice/three times weekly with plenty of advice, encouragement and training tips

  • Exercise in a safe, friendly and fun environment

  • Access to participate follow up club training programs

  • You become part of this athletic club and can take part in club events

  • When the initial program completes,  you get to train with other runners that match your own ability


I'm so unfit and out of shape?

Great this programme is for you!  The sessions are designed to bring you into shape over the course of the programme


Any questions?

Further information from the club secretary Lorraine  at 087-2033803 or e-mail


Please Note: All participants must complete both the membership form and the attached medical assessment form before they start. Please print and bring it with you or deliver to a committee member in advance. Anybody who isn't currently engaged in regular exercise must consult their doctor before starting this programme

Please print, complete and return all Pages before beginning the program. do not bring cash; you will be emailed a link a few days after your form is received.

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